August 8, 2017 | Quoted by Iran Focus

Trump and Tillerson Disagree Over Iran Nuclear Deal

The debate on verifying Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal rages on behind closed doors in the White House with Donald Trump reportedly eager to find the noncompliant with the deal but being held back by his administration.

Although, the Trump administration has verified Iran as compliant on the past two reviews, they have admitted that Iran is violating the spirit of the deal with its continuous missile launches and it appears that by October, Trump will no longer tolerate Iranian belligerence.

However, Mark Dubowitz, an analyst on Iran policy at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, said that it would be an overstatement to say that the pair disagreed, citing it as a good cop/bad cop routine.

He said: “This is far better than we had in the Obama administration, when the nuclear deal was negotiated and we had then-Secretary of State John Kerry running around as the good cop, while President Obama was in the background as the even nicer cop, and it resulted in giving away too much.”

Read more here.

