September 2, 2015 | Quote

White House Not Celebrating Iran Deal Win Yet

President Barack Obama scored big Wednesday when he snagged the last vote he needs to ensure the Iran nuclear deal survives Congress. But now the White House is more determined than ever to keep the agreement from reaching a vote in the first place.

The deal's opponents are just as determined it will.

As word spread in the morning that Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) had become the 34th Democrat in the Senate to support the deal — ensuring it could survive a presidential veto override attempt — Obama administration officials said they'd press ahead with their outreach to lawmakers.

It's an aggressive and costly effort that has already included more than 100 engagements between lawmakers and the president, not to mention pledges of increased financial and military aid to a number of allies, especially Israel, whose opposition to the nuclear deal is weighing on still-undecided members of Congress.

A number of opponents are also looking ahead beyond a vote.


Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said his group hopes to see future legislation that targets new, non-nuclear related sanctions toward Iranian organizations such as the country's Revolutionary Guard Corps.


Read the full article here


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