June 25, 2015 | Quote

Balochistan Leaders Seek Israel Help Amid Pakistan Crackdown

Unbeknown to the citizens of Israel, their country has been cast by Pakistan – the world’s only nuclear-armed Islamic republic – as the dreaded foe behind the secessionist movement in France-sized Balochistan.

Pakistani newspaper reports have routinely accused the State of Israel of being one of the main sponsors of terrorism in Balochistan, the strategically sexiest Pakistan province that forms the 1,050 km. northern lip of the state of Hormuz in Pakistan and Iran.

Two years ago, Oren Kessler in an article in The Tower cited another exiled Baloch leader, Khan Suleman Daud, as saying it was in the mutual interests of Israel and Balochistan to join forces.

“The world has interests – yours is that Iran shouldn’t be nuclear, and also that Pakistan be weak. I have my interests – independence,” Daud, who lives in exile in Cardiff, Wales, told Kessler. He said the Baloch are the region’s only secular people and are disgusted by the political ideologies of the Islamic republics of Pakistan and Iran, adding, “I’d love to come to Tel Aviv someday – hopefully soon.”

Read the full article here


Israel Pakistan